Archive for December 9th, 2008


cricket – ponting’s amazing catch

That was awesome! Ponting’s full fledged leap in the slips to dismiss NZ’s James How ( in the second test of Australia – New Zealand) is a sight! Call it fluke or perfect anticipation! Watch this to be believe it! No wonder why he was so  much delighted after taking the catch. Ponting had to say this on the catch

You get one or two you fluke through your career, I guess. It’s always nice, I enjoyed it. Any catch you take in the slips is enjoyable, but to get one like that and remove one of their more dangerous players was a nice thrill for everybody.


mumbai terror attacks – pakistan arrests

Pakistan has arrested two key suspects that India had wanted. The arrested people were Zakiur Rehman Lakhwi (LeT commander),a  prime suspect of the Mumbai terror strikes, and JeM chief Masood Azhar(under house arrest), for his alleged involvement in the attack on the Indian parliament. The arrests were made on Monday (Dec 8th).While rejecting to hand over the arrested to the Indian government, they have offered to have a joint interrogation if required.

Read the full TOI article.

A related note: I was listening to a telephonic interview of a former ISI chief (on NDTV) after US had started to pressurize Pakistan on the involvement of Paksitan based groups on the Mumbai terror attacks. This guy, went on to say [i do not remember the exact words, but the statements were in these lines], “We are India’s neighbors. We will do our best to co-operate and eradicate terrorism from the region and why should India go to US and seek US involvement, if the matter can be resolved amongst us?”.  Yes, a typical bull crap that you hear from people when they are caught by escalating an issue. Earlier, when India said that it has proofs that suggest involvement of Pakistan based organizations, these guys (like this one) did not want to believe and accept it, now that they have been given a whip on the a** they are getting their acts right. More will depend on how Pakistan proceeds from here on.

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